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Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Kaleidoscope Style

These are the most fun and colorful Felted Accessories! They are great for yourself to add some color and fun to your outfit. Your kids won't call you boring with these on! And if you have small children like my baby girl, this is all you want to wear. Lilly always tries to rip off the metal jewelry I wear or she bangs her head agains it. So I had to stop wearing them to protect her (and my jewelry). Now I wear these felt acccessories and Lilly loves it. She can hold them and look at the pretty patterns (she loves patterns) and I don't have to worry that she can hurt herself or that she would break it. Plus it's so easy to wear. They are light weight, soft, comfy, and add color to my outfits.
But they are cute to wear for your children of any age as well for the same reasons. So go get some!

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