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Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Cuteacious Phrases

Lilly just started saying Mama, Dada, and Baba. We went crazy the first time she said Mama and, of course, we even hear her say Hi, Hello and I love you. Hey, that babbling could mean anything! I can't wait for her to start talking more and I know there will be a time when she just won't stop. I also heard some fun stories of what children were saying and I'd love to hear some more and share them here.

Call for Entries!!!!!!!
I am really interested in hearing fun and cuteacious stories of how your children experiencing the world and what they have to say to it. So if you would like to have yours featured here, please email me a picture at I will get back to you if I can feature you. Can't wait to see!

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