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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Bibs for all!

Lilly is now eating real food for about a month and I just have to get more bibs. She also loves her food so much that she can't wait to get it in her mouth. So when I saw these bibs, I new they would be perfect for her. Got a little monster at home as well? Get it a bib to go! These are so cute and adorable. Just make you smile! They are available at Chocolate Lollipop. They are a "baby clothing and accessories company located in Canada that offers high quality goodies for style conscious parents". In her profile, it stats that she loves "to take boring baby basics and give them my unique twist to make them as functional as they are fancy". That certainly is the case with these monster bibs. They also have an inner soak proof lining that I know Lilly desperately needs. They also have other great baby items such as Onesies and Ribbon Lovey Blanket. So much to choose from!


Trendy Tots said...

Thanks for the shout out and love for our little monsters!

Pamela said...

what cute little bibs!!!

Lucky Girl said...

I love these bibs!

Anonymous said...

Cute bibs! our 1 year old eats differently depending on how hungry she is. She can eat so daintily, holding her food just so and not make a mess, or she goes in with two hands and eats with her palms.

It's a blast to watch. She likes grabbing the spoon if we try to feed her, she's already showing that she's independent :)

Anonymous said...

They look so nice! They come in handy sometimes. Although I have seen kids eating so nicely they didn't need a bib!